El proyecto « Gender equality makes Europe better » ha sido financiado por la Unión Europea en el marco del programa "Europa con los ciudadanos"
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El proyecto « Gender equality makes Europe better » ha sido financiado por la Unión Europea en el marco del programa "Europa con los ciudadanos" |
Aplicable a la Medida 2.1 « Hermanamiento de ciudades » |
Participation: The twinning project of cities “Gender equality makes a better Europe" has allowed the meeting of 60 citizens, of which 9 came from the Comune di Giardini Naxos(Italy), 8 from the city of Barcelos (Portugal), 2 from the Town Hall of Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece), 10 from the Municipality of Obecné Zastupitelstvo Biskupice (Slovakia), 6 citizens from the Municipality of Hollókó (HU) , 7 citizens from the Municipality of Pavlikeni (Bulgaria) and 18 citizens from Santa Comba (Spain).
Place / Dates: the meeting took place in Santa Comba (Santa Comba, Spain) from 08/05/2018 to 13/05/2018.
Succinct description:
Day 1 – 08/05/2018
Dedicated to the arrival of foreign delegations, accommodation of the participants, presentation of the groups and welcome.
Arrival of foreign delegations at Santa Comba.
Welcome and accommodation of the participants.
21:00 Welcome dinner.
Day 2 – 08/05/2018
Dedicated presentation of the groups, meeting in the CIM of Santa Comba, Brainstorming of basic concepts of gender equality.
Morning: Presentation of the participants and the program “Europe for Citizens”.
Brainstorming about basic concepts in matter of gender equality.
Meeting in the CIM. Discussion about activities and policies of gender equality.
Dinner and accommodation.
Day 3 – 10/05/2018
Dedicated to the visit to the Costa da Morte, digital meeting and historical and social knowledge.
Morning: Visit to Cape Finisterre of the Costa da Morte. Visit to the city of A Coruña, the Tower of Hercules, and historic area.
Digital meeting: “The equality of women in the participation on social networks”
Afternoon: Visit to the historic area of the province.
Dinner and accommodation.
Day 4 – 11/05/2018
Dedicated to a meeting in the Parliament of Galicia, workshop and debate and policies in governmental entities in gender equality.
Morning: Meeting-Debate in the Xunta de Galicia. "Female Entrepreneurship, Grants and Equality in Government Policies and Agreements on Gender Equality".
Parliament of Galicia. Debate on the legislation of gender equality in Galicia and other countries.
Afternoon: Workshop in Centro Querote "Young people and the equality gender": The current situation of young people regarding equality.
Visit to the Cathedral of Santiago.
Dinner and accommodation.
Day 5 – 12/05/2018
Dedicated to a Round Table on active citizenship and a conference on European values and the future of Europe.
Morning: Reading of the Brotherhood Oath and sign of the Twinning. Execution of the European anthem. Exchange of typical gifts among the delegations.
Dissertation and debate on the European policy of Equality of Opportunities.
Afternoon: Visita guiada a los principales lugares de interés históricos y sociales de la ciudad.
Dinner and accommodation.
Day 6 – 13/05/2018
Dedicated to reflect on the project and experience. Farewell and transfer to the airport of the participants.
Delivery of satisfaction test. Moment for reflection and experience of the project.
Web connection for future initiatives.
Transfer to the airport of international participants.